What is Atopic Skin?

May 13, 2021

Better understand atopic skin to take care of it

The skin constitutes an effective barrier against many pathogens. However, when it is damaged, the moisture evaporates very quickly, making it very dry. Also, pathogens such as allergens easily penetrate the epidermis and cause skin problems such as dermatitis: we speak of atopic skin.

Recognizing this pathology is already the first step towards the healing process. It will then be necessary to find an appropriate treatment to apply. Also, it is necessary to take into account the factors that can aggravate it. These include cold, cleaning products, the use of certain cosmetic products, etc. It is therefore urgent to know how to go about soothing atopic skin.

Some main points to remember

  • What is atopic skin?

Atopic skin is permeable skin that allows moisture to evaporate very quickly and allows the entry of allergens causing skin problems.

  • What are the causes of atopic skin?

The causes are not yet well known but there is a genetic factor. Also, allergenic foods and chemicals can promote the occurrence of skin problems such as eczema flare-ups.

  • How to treat atopic skin?

Atopic skin needs special care. It is therefore necessary to adopt an adequate routine to limit the damage. To start, you should opt for a gentle, hypoallergenic, and fragrance-free cleanser. You must then focus on a hydrating and soothing body milk. Avoid products containing chemical ingredients as much as possible.

How to recognize atopic skin?

Atopy is very different from dry skin which occurs due to lack of hydration. It is therefore important to understand that not all dry skin is atopic or becomes so. This skin pathology is characterized by an insufficient quantity of lipids in the epidermis. The skin therefore becomes permeable and loses water quite quickly and allergens penetrate easily.

Atopic skin is therefore skin prone to allergic reactions which manifest themselves in the form of dermatitis. The reaction is immediate and is characterized by the appearance of redness and itching. The inflammation can lead to the appearance of small blisters which can later ooze and give way to crusts.

This reaction can take place on different parts of the body. The arms, thighs, legs and back are the areas most prone to dermatitis. When repeated in the same place, the skin thickens and becomes darker and rougher.

Atopic dermatitis already appears in the 2nd or 3rd month of life. It may appear in other children as rhinitis or asthma. The pathology can lead to insomnia problems and impair quality of life. It is even recommended to provide early treatment to children, as soon as they are predisposed to this illness, even if they do not yet manifest the disease.

The underlying causes of atopic skin

The causes of this pathology are still unknown. However, some studies carried out provide reliable information.

  • the probability of a child having atopic skin is 30% if one of their parents has this skin problem and 70% if both parents have it.
  • In addition to this genetic factor, atopic skin can be linked to an immune system that functions excessively causing inflammation and redness.
  • Certain allergenic foods can cause digestive problems and trigger eczema flare-ups.
  • Other factors such as the use of chemicals, detergents, perspiration and heat can amplify the problem.
  • Also, a stressful daily life, where everything goes quickly, can aggravate skin problems in those who have atopic skin.

To preserve your skin and avoid crises as much as possible, you must respect certain rules and rely on an effective skincare routine.

Methods for caring for atopic skin

When you have atopic skin, it is important to take the right steps every day. Given the extreme dryness of the skin, we must focus on moisturizing and soothing creams and include them in the skincare routine. Indeed, regular hydration of the skin will allow it to play its barrier role very effectively.

There are anti-irritation products designed specifically to relieve and repair atopic skin.

  • Adopt a frequency of twice a day on previously cleansed skin.
  • Choose a gentle, hypoallergenic, fragrance-free cleanser.
  • During an attack, you must try to reduce the inflammation as well as the itching to avoid possible secondary infections. Generally, a topical corticosteroid, an antiseptic solution and antihistamines are prescribed to relieve the sufferer.
  • We must intervene as early as possible to limit the progression of the pathology since each inflammatory outbreak promotes relapses.
  • Systematically, you must carefully look at the labels before purchasing any cleaning products.
  • It is better to choose natural ones and without chemical ingredients.

Apart from these recommendations which must be respected, it is imperative to avoid certain actions for a person suffering from atopic dermatitis. This includes avoiding:

  • to swim in chlorinated pools
  • perfumes or eau de toilette
  • synthetic fabrics
  • heated rooms and therefore heat
  • the stress

Atopic skin is a chronic pathology that requires special care. If you suffer from this condition, it is essential to take measures and, above all, to adopt good daily actions to limit the progression of the disease as much as possible.

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